The Power of Choice lays in our hands. Caroline Myss in her 'Sacred Contracts' writes 'Choice is your greatest power. It is an even greater power than love, because you must first choose to be a loving person.' We are the result of our choices today - the food we eat, the beliefs within, the career paths we walk, the philosophies and perspectives we take, our families, our social influences and even to how we spend our money.
Epistemologically and ontologically we are driven human beings teleologically whether we are aware of it or not. There is a knowing within that guides us - indescribable and perceived differently to many and completely up to the the eye of the beholder. We all lead up to our choices through axiological perceptions, what we value and not value most. These are the elements of our physical world.
Thus if we shift our realms of thinking from the physical world that we can touch, taste, hear and see to the non-physical realm as Gary Zukav describes in his 'Seat of the Soul' we then venture into a world of multi-sensory, a world of spirit, soul, intuition, the Divine, God, quantum energy that cannot be physically seen but felt. There is Divine Order and logic to everything around and within us - a spider's web, a flower, music, Mother Nature, Animals, our Universe and us the Human Being. The 'Human Universe' series by Professor Brian Cox shares Galileo, Corpernicus, Kefler, Newton, Einstein and hundreds of others explored this beautiful logic in our world and that even the river meanders have formulations that equate and this is mirrored in planets such as Mars where rivers have dried up, yet the meanders of the rivers and the measurements are the same.
This Divine Intelligence and Order lays within us also, it is within our life's blueprint individually and collectively. Whether we know it or not we are all contributors to our global soul and irrespective of our choices, whether we think and feel we have 'failed', we have failed forward to success. Remember these are labels we have imprisoned ourselves with, even our registered birth names, the earthly contracts we have signed, the 'failures' we have walked through - these do not define who we are. We are not bound by these physical elements, these physical elements are part of the personality that go towards serving the Soul as Gary Zukav shares.
Therefore let's make each day count. We are a human being and a Divine one and there is a Divine Contract awaiting us to fulfil whilst we are here on earth. As we make the choices to fulfil the Soul and align to the Divine - we in essence are walking our path to our greatest wisdom.